Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 2

Hey everyone!  Today was another busy day of attempting to bring the house back into order.  First thing this morning, I fueled up with some yummy oatmeal and fruit.  And, of course, a big mug of coffee.  Gotta have coffee.

Yes mom, I voluntarily ate oatmeal.

My main priority today was getting the kitchen under control.  I have a thing about having the counters cleared off, and as you saw yesterday, the counters were most definitely not cleared off.  Although unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of my newly organized kitchen, but I'll make sure to take some tomorrow once I get the last couple things put away.

The highlight of the day though was digging out all my precious cookbooks and putting them in their new place of honor.

I did manage to take a picture of that.  What can I say?  I have my priorities straight.


  1. Heidi, you alway manage to make such simple events so beautiful. This little picture of you treating yourself to some color for breakfast is a work of ART!

  2. I laughed so hard. You knew exactly what I would be thinking when I read the first few sentences. Love your cookbook collection.
