Friday, June 24, 2011

at long last

It's been a long day.

But a happy one as well!  We (or should I say I) received our final shipment of household goods, which included all of our furniture, a good chunk of our kitchen stuff, dishes, linens, books, and a lot of random things I forgot we had (hey, it's been over 2 months since I saw all this stuff).  In other words, the house became very disorganized very quickly. 

Thankfully the movers unpacked pretty much everything from the boxes, so that's one less step for me to do.  Plus, I'm not left with a huge pile of empty boxes and paper to get rid of.  That's no fun.

The best part of it is that I get to sleep here tonight...

It's not pretty yet, but it's my own bed and after a month on an air mattress I bet it's going to feel amazing.

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