Monday, September 29, 2014

Nixon: Eight Months

This month has been a big one for Nixon in terms of achievements.  Most notably, he's on the move!   Once he got the hang of crawling, he's become unstoppable.  As soon as I set him on the floor, he's off to explore whatever catches his eye first.  He's also mastered maneuvering into a sitting position on his own.  He still loves standing, and while he can't balance on his own yet, he's pulling up on anything he can reach.  This kid is going to be walking before we know it!

We're still struggling a little with sleep, but we're slowly finding a nap routine that works.  Hopefully consistent nighttime sleep will follow.  There are no issues whatsoever with eating, however.  This boy loves his food!  No teeth yet, so chewing is still a little tricky, but he manages.  He has no time for purees anymore, feeding himself is the only way to go!

Nixon's faves this month:
  • Peek-a-boo - but just using your hands doesn't cut it, at the least you have to hide behind the couch.
  • Crawling - or at least being able to get places on his own.
  • Broccoli - probably his all-time favorite food currently.  I hope it lasts.
Trying on winter clothes to see if anything still fits.  Obviously, he was thrilled.
Taking a break from crawling to do some baby yoga.  He's a pro at downward dog.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

On The Move

The little munchkin is officially mobile!

He's been crawling for a couple weeks now, and while I'm not convinced he actually likes crawling (probably the fault of his huge head), he does like being able to get around.  Nothing is safe from his curiosity.

He's already moving on to pulling up on anything and everything, so I'm giving it another couple months before he gets fed up with crawling and starts walking.

Eight month update coming soon!