Friday, July 29, 2011

Croatia Day 6 - The Big Jump

Today was all about my swimming ability.  Or perhaps my lack of swimming ability.  It's a constant battle between Donovan and I as to whether I can swim or not.  I mean, I'm not going to be winning Olympic races anytime soon, but I haven't drowned yet either.  That should count for something, right?

So far, when I've wanted to get in the water, I slowly go down the ladder or carefully climb off the dock.  For the last 2 days, Donovan has been attempting to convince me to jump off this huge rock.  Umm...scary!  But there's no way I'm going to give him yet another reason to consider me a weakling, so jump I will.

First though, I gotta size it up and make sure I really, really want to do this.

Ehh, what the heck.

I'm alive!

Actually, it wasn't that bad.  And I discovered that once I managed to fight my way back to the surface I could actually stay afloat fairly easily.  The salt water might have helped a little with that. 

Not to be outdone, Donovan went off the rock too.  He dove in though, what a show-off.

But enough of that.  Time to climb out of the water and get back to my number one beach activity.


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