Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jump Day

This is a jump week for Donovan.  Pretty much this means he's putting in some really long hours and not getting a whole lot of sleep, but he also gets to jump out of planes.  They do the jumping in Aviano, which is a gorgeous little community about an hour and a half away.  Yesterday a few other ladies and I went up to Aviano to sell food and drinks to all the guys for an FRG (family readiness group) fundraiser.  It was my first time going up there as well as my first chance to see Donovan jump.  I spent a few hours out at the drop zone watching the guys jump, and it was really neat to get a little glimpse at what my husband actually does.  It didn't hurt that it was in such a beautiful setting.

I saw quite a few guys jump, so I have no idea which one was actually Donovan.  They all kind of look the same up there.  


It was a long day, especially for Donovan, but we all had a good time.  I enjoyed not only getting to see another little piece of Italy, but also being able to see Donovan and the other soldiers in action.  Makes me proud to be an Army wife.

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