Friday, January 4, 2013

Here's to 2013

Happy New Year to everyone!  Yes, I realize I'm a few days late.  Due to some technical difficulties, I've been a bit quiet on the blog lately, but I've got the issues ironed out now.  So, hopefully this new year will be full of blogging!

I've been enjoying the holidays back home in Colorado.  The last couple weeks have been filled with family, lots of food, and finally getting to experience some snow. 

I still have just under two weeks before I head back to Italy, so I'm staying busy relaxing (wait, is that even possible?) and trying to resist going to Starbucks three times a day.  Maybe I can squeeze a blog redesign in there as well?  Hmm...  At the very least, I do have some photos of my Thanksgiving trip to London to share with you all.  Stay tuned!

2013 promises to be full of exciting things, the most notable being welcoming Donovan home and my brother's wedding.  Aside from those, we're looking forward to whatever 2013 throws at us!


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