Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Nixon: Five Months

How are we one month away from half a year??  I know I say this every month, but time is flying.  Baby Nixon keeps getting bigger and bigger (especially his cheeks) and his little personality is really starting to come out.  He's still extremely curious, which works out great when we're in crowds or out and about doing things, because he's usually too busy looking around to be fussy.

This month has brought quite a few changes, as we're in the process of moving back to the States, but Nixon has been taking it all in stride.  We've been able to keep his schedule pretty much the same, despite living in a hotel.  We try to be extra careful not to wake him up during naps and after bedtime, and so far he's still sleeping like a champ, although I expect that flying back to the States will change that for a little while (since I'm getting around to posting this after we've made it to the States, I can say that the only thing that's messed up is his schedule is shifted by a couple hours).

His favorites this month:
  • Bath-time has become even more fun.  Nixon has officially outgrown his baby bathtub, so all baths are in the big boy bathtub.  He has discovered that with the extra room to move around, he can take splashing to a whole new level.  We put a few inches of water in the tub, lay him down, and let him splash around to his little heart's content.  Best part of his day.
  • Still loving his daily dinosaur shriek practice sessions (lets hope he doesn't do this too often on the plane in a few days...)
  • Being outside - he loves the fresh air and abundance of things to look at (unless the sun's in his eyes, then it's the worst thing ever).
  • Playing with Daddy - nothing puts a smile on this little guy's face like his daddy.  


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