Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nixon: Three Months

How is our little baby three months old already?  Seriously, time is flying.  Nixon grows and changes every day, and we are loving every second.  Just in the last couple days he's started laughing (which is the cutest sound ever) and hitting at the toys on his play gym.  He hasn't tried grabbing yet, but I don't think it's too far away.  Sleeping has been getting better, he's usually up only twice during the night now, although we've had a couple seven hour stretches.  I'm really hoping that becomes the norm soon.

Things Nixon has been loving lately:

  • His play mat/gym.  Especially now that Mommy finally got batteries for it.  He loves the colored lights and music.
  • "Standing" on our laps.  We're still supporting him, obviously, but he loves practicing.
  • Looking at anything and everything.  This little guy is so curious.  

Nixon also got his first Easter basket.  The Easter bunny brought him a new outfit for summer, a few toys, and some chocolate (which mom and dad will eat, since this is probably the only year we'll be able to get away with it).  

And lastly, because they're so adorable, a couple outtakes from his three month photo shoot of Daddy trying to get him to smile.


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