Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014

Buon Anno! Happy New Year!  We said goodbye to 2013 by watching a ski movie, drinking hot chocolate, and going to bed long before the fireworks started at midnight.  Maybe not the most exciting way to ring in the new year, but at eight months pregnant it was perfect.

2013 was a wonderful year.  Here's a quick look back at all the exciting things that happened...

In February, Donovan returned from deployment.  Definitely a happy start to the year.

{read about it here}
We kicked off a month of post-deployment leave in April with a trip to Zermatt, Switzerland for some spring skiing.

{read about it here and here}
And then continued the traveling with stops in Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Bruges, and Amsterdam.

Sagrada Familia in Barcelona {read here}
Sacre Couer in Paris {read here}
Notre Dame in Paris {read here}
Bruges, Belgium {read here}
Amsterdam {read here}
Over the summer, we had one of the most exciting moments of the year when we found out we have a little one on the way.  We can't wait to meet our little boy.

In August, we spent a weekend in Germany, which included lots of brats, pretzels, and beer (for everyone but me).

{read about it here, here, here, and here}
September found us in our favorite spot in the mountains, hiking instead of skiing for a change.

{read here and here}
We checked another city off our list in November with a visit to Prague.

{read here}
2014 promises to bring even more fun and excitement.  We'll be kicking off the year by spending a few days in the mountains, with lots of skiing for Donovan and lots of relaxing for me.  And then it's all about getting ready for the little guy.  I can't wait to see what else this year holds for us!


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