Saturday, April 21, 2012

Paris Day 3

Hello everyone!  I apologize for the delay in the Paris saga; we took a few days and went to Lake Garda, where we unfortunately didn't have internet.  But we're back now and you don't have to wait any longer for the next set of photos!

Our museum pick for the day was the Picasso Museum.  Picasso was so influential in the art world and helped start some pretty significant movements, so I was particularly excited to see the collection of his work. And so, after walking for about an hour, getting slightly lost, and walking some more, we finally found it.  Only to discover it's closed for renovation.

Sad day.

So, we did the next best thing and spent the rest of the day shopping.  And just as it started to rain, we ducked into a cute little cafe for some omelletes, tea, and a delicious creme caramel.  Hard to complain about that.


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