Monday, April 11, 2011

A New Chapter

So…this adventure begins with the highly anticipated Ranger School graduation.  After three long months of Donovan going through some rather grueling training, having little to no communication, and me trying to plan a PCS to Italy completely on my own, we are finally back together and starting out on an epic journey.  The graduation itself was quite the celebration and I was so proud to be able to pin that Ranger tab on my hubby’s uniform. 

Pinning the Ranger Tab

Donovan’s claim to fame of the whole thing is coming back from Ranger School 12 pounds heavier than when he left.  While most of the guys lose 20-30 pounds, leave it to Donovan to defy all odds and gain weight.  Of course, the post-Ranger eating disorder isn’t helping either.  If there is food in sight, chances are he’s eating it.  I must admit though, I’ve sort of encouraged his excessive eating.  I mean, come on, I haven’t been able to feed my husband in three months.  I have some catching up to do!  

Unfortunately we only had the one day to party, as we had to spend the rest of the weekend getting the house ready for the movers.  Poor Donovan didn’t get much time to relax at home after Ranger School. 

The beginning of our cozy little home being torn apart

And now we’re living in a hotel room, waiting for the proper paperwork in order to get our plane tickets.  It’s crazy to think that we’re moving to a different country in a matter of days!  We’re both a little nervous but absolutely excited to start this new chapter in our lives. 


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