Friday, June 3, 2016

Five Things

Five things about Nixon:

One.  He is obsessed with burying himself under all the couch cushions and going "nighty night."  If only he was as excited about his real bedtime...
Two.  He's finally started saying his name.  To be fair, it's a little tricky.  It's also really adorable how he can't quite say the "x" yet.
Three.  He usually can't hear me ask him to pick up his toys, but he can hear me open the chocolate chip jar from across the house and come running.
Four.  He picked up the word "cool" somewhere, so now when he sees anything that catches his fancy he exclaims "wow! cool!"
Five.  Anything with wheels is a truck.  Mail truck, bus truck, jeep truck, mixer truck (cement mixer), etc., etc.  Usually followed by a "wow! cool!"


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