Monday, June 20, 2016
Jack {Two Months}
+ 13.3 lbs (85%) and 23.6 in (77%)
+ His head is only in the 57th percentile, so we'll see if he follows in Nixon's 99th percentile footsteps
+ Wears 0-3 and 3 month clothes
+ He's consistently been sleeping for eight-hour stretches at night, waking up around 4 or 5 to eat, and then usually going back to sleep for another couple hours.
+ We're getting more and more smiles from him, and he's starting to attempt some cooing. So basically we spend all day making faces at him and talking in weird voices to try and get a smile.
+ After his bath his hair is super fuzzy and it's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
+ Loves: naps on Mama, his pacifier, baths, being swaddled, his swing
+ Dislikes: tummy time, having a dirty diaper
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Jack's Birth Story
I'm writing down Jack's birth story mostly so I can look back one day and remember every special moment. If reading all the details of birth is your thing, then enjoy! If not, there are some cute pictures at the end!
Jack's entrance into the world may have turned out differently than I had expected or planned on (because these things always go according to plan, right?), but meeting him was as beautiful and precious as I could have hoped for. He reminded us that he's his own person by making us wait as long as possible, although he's making up for it by being the sweetest little baby.
Nixon showed up eight days before his due date, so I was really hoping this one wasn't going to make us wait around. No such luck. At my 40-week appointment, the midwife scheduled my induction for ten days past my due date, all the while saying she didn't think we would have to go that route. I was also scheduled for a couple non-stress tests during those ten days, just to make sure the baby was still in good shape.
I really wanted to avoid an induction, but at the same time it was reassuring to have an end date set. I was having a lot of braxton hicks, so I knew my body was getting ready, but they never turned into anything close to real labor. So, at 41.5 weeks pregnant, it was time to encourage little Jack to come out and meet us.
We checked in to the hospital at 3 pm, and spent the next couple hours getting settled, meeting the team, and doing a lot of waiting. My nurse finally started the pitocin around 5, and then...more waiting. The contractions picked up in frequency, but were still only slightly uncomfortable. I relaxed in bed, chatted with Donovan, and hoped that things would pick up and I wouldn't be in labor all night. The nurse raised my dose of pitocin a couple times over the next two hours and kept remarking how well I was responding to it. I took her word for it since I still wasn't anything more than mildly uncomfortable and didn't really feel like I was in labor. Once my water broke around 7:20 though, things got real.
The contractions quickly became more and more painful and were coming closer together. No more doubting whether or not I was in labor! An hour or so after my water broke, the nurse came in to check on me. My pain level was getting pretty serious by this point, but I was still managing the contractions. As crazy as it sounds, the idea of getting an epidural is more scary to me than giving birth drug-free, so I really wanted to do this naturally if at all possible. I was only dilated to a six, which was a little discouraging considering how intense the contractions were feeling, but I still refused the nurse's offer of an epidural and opted to tough it out just a little bit longer. Fast forward about fifteen minutes, and I was yelling at Donovan that I couldn't take it anymore and needed something. The nurse came in, took one quick look, and announced that we were having a baby. The team rushed in, the midwife got in place, and I started pushing. I honestly have no idea how long I pushed, it felt like hours but was probably around ten to fifteen minutes. Finally, at 8:48 pm, sweet little Jack entered the world and was placed in my arms.
Best moment ever.
While I have to say that having two kids is a whole different ball game, we are so in love with this little guy. I can't wait to watch Jack and Nixon's relationship grow and develop as they become best friends. We're so happy you're here Jack!
Jack's entrance into the world may have turned out differently than I had expected or planned on (because these things always go according to plan, right?), but meeting him was as beautiful and precious as I could have hoped for. He reminded us that he's his own person by making us wait as long as possible, although he's making up for it by being the sweetest little baby.
Nixon showed up eight days before his due date, so I was really hoping this one wasn't going to make us wait around. No such luck. At my 40-week appointment, the midwife scheduled my induction for ten days past my due date, all the while saying she didn't think we would have to go that route. I was also scheduled for a couple non-stress tests during those ten days, just to make sure the baby was still in good shape.
I really wanted to avoid an induction, but at the same time it was reassuring to have an end date set. I was having a lot of braxton hicks, so I knew my body was getting ready, but they never turned into anything close to real labor. So, at 41.5 weeks pregnant, it was time to encourage little Jack to come out and meet us.
We checked in to the hospital at 3 pm, and spent the next couple hours getting settled, meeting the team, and doing a lot of waiting. My nurse finally started the pitocin around 5, and then...more waiting. The contractions picked up in frequency, but were still only slightly uncomfortable. I relaxed in bed, chatted with Donovan, and hoped that things would pick up and I wouldn't be in labor all night. The nurse raised my dose of pitocin a couple times over the next two hours and kept remarking how well I was responding to it. I took her word for it since I still wasn't anything more than mildly uncomfortable and didn't really feel like I was in labor. Once my water broke around 7:20 though, things got real.
The contractions quickly became more and more painful and were coming closer together. No more doubting whether or not I was in labor! An hour or so after my water broke, the nurse came in to check on me. My pain level was getting pretty serious by this point, but I was still managing the contractions. As crazy as it sounds, the idea of getting an epidural is more scary to me than giving birth drug-free, so I really wanted to do this naturally if at all possible. I was only dilated to a six, which was a little discouraging considering how intense the contractions were feeling, but I still refused the nurse's offer of an epidural and opted to tough it out just a little bit longer. Fast forward about fifteen minutes, and I was yelling at Donovan that I couldn't take it anymore and needed something. The nurse came in, took one quick look, and announced that we were having a baby. The team rushed in, the midwife got in place, and I started pushing. I honestly have no idea how long I pushed, it felt like hours but was probably around ten to fifteen minutes. Finally, at 8:48 pm, sweet little Jack entered the world and was placed in my arms.
Best moment ever.
While I have to say that having two kids is a whole different ball game, we are so in love with this little guy. I can't wait to watch Jack and Nixon's relationship grow and develop as they become best friends. We're so happy you're here Jack!
Friday, June 3, 2016
Five Things
Five things about Nixon:
One. He is obsessed with burying himself under all the couch cushions and going "nighty night." If only he was as excited about his real bedtime...
Two. He's finally started saying his name. To be fair, it's a little tricky. It's also really adorable how he can't quite say the "x" yet.
Three. He usually can't hear me ask him to pick up his toys, but he can hear me open the chocolate chip jar from across the house and come running.
Four. He picked up the word "cool" somewhere, so now when he sees anything that catches his fancy he exclaims "wow! cool!"
Five. Anything with wheels is a truck. Mail truck, bus truck, jeep truck, mixer truck (cement mixer), etc., etc. Usually followed by a "wow! cool!"
Thursday, June 2, 2016
The Aquarium
Over the long weekend, we spent a couple days at the beach. It was so good to get away and spend time as a family and really focus on the kids. Nixon absolutely loved having uninterrupted play time while Jack snoozed in the wrap, and has asked to go back to the beach at least once a day since we've been home.
On our last morning, we took the kids to the aquarium. Nixon had a blast looking at all the fishies. Jack enjoyed it in his own way by sleeping the entire time.
The closest thing we get to a family picture these days.
Jack, just snoozing away.
Nixon made friends with a starfish.
Jack's still sound asleep. Those cheeks though!
And one last ride on a giant frog before getting in the car.
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