Saturday, August 23, 2014

Nixon: Seven Months

I feel like I just wrote Nixon's six month update yesterday, and here we are at seven months already.  The past several weeks have been a whirlwind of adjusting to our new home, unpacking, and settling in.  Thankfully, I think the worst is over, and we've found our new normal.  I mentioned last month that Nixon had been having a rough time sleeping, and while he's gotten a lot better, he's still waking up pretty frequently at night.  I think it's just a growth spurt plus being on the verge of a developmental milestone (crawling!!), so I know his sleep will get better before too long.

Speaking of developmental milestones, he is so close to crawling.  As soon as I put him on the floor, he flips over onto his tummy and gets up on his hands and knees.  He'll hold that position for a few seconds, or even rock a bit, so once he figures out how to go forward there'll be no stopping him.  He's also quite the pro at sitting up on his own, although we usually still prop him with the boppy pillow just in case he topples.

Thinks Nixon's been loving this month:
  • Eating solid food - I have a post coming soon on Nixon's adventures in eating, but I will say that he loves to eat (and play with) actual food.
  • Vacuuming - we never had a vacuum in Italy, so the last month has been his first experience with one.  I put him in his walker, and he follows me around completely transfixed while I vacuum.  Let's hope he's still as fascinated by it in ten years or so.
  • Standing practice - obviously, he can't stand on his own without help balancing, but the kid loves standing up.
Nixon finally got to meet Uncle Tommy, his godfather.  They had a blast playing together.


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