Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Well, Donovan is once again up in Germany for training, which means I finally have the time to sit down and write some blog posts.  This is his last training rotation until after Christmas, so hopefully once he gets back things will slow down, he won't be working super long days, and we'll actually see each other more than just weekends.

For one last shebang before he left, we took a day trip to Milan on Saturday.  It's about two and half hours each way, so a long day but still doable.  Let me just say, Milan is a crazy city.  Driving in downtown was an experience, and not really a pleasant one, but thankfully we (and the car) made it out unscathed.  The biggest draw of Milan was the Duomo, which took over five centuries to complete and is actually the fourth largest cathedral in the world.  It is very impressive to look at it, and I could have easily spent the entire day there.  As it was, we walked around the exterior and did a quick loop of the inside, although we did sit for a while inside to try to take in the sheer massiveness of the building.

Of course, being in Milan, we had to do some shopping as well.  Or at least walk around and look at all the stores; most of the stuff was way too expensive for us.  Everything was still fun to look at though and we had a blast!


  1. Omg these pics are amazing and I love your blog! So glad I came across your blog while I was looking for Ranger school info for my husband haha!
