Thursday, March 26, 2015

Nixon: 14 Months

Here we are at fourteen months already!  Nixon keeps becoming more of a little boy and less of a baby.  He is constantly on the move and hardly ever slows down, except to eat and nap.  He's got "Mama" and "Dada" down, but no other words yet.  He does "talk" allllll day long though, so I think he's close!  He's still extremely curious and loves helping me around the house, such as turning the vacuum on and off, handing me plates one-by-one from the dishwasher, or watching me cook (the mixer is his favorite).

We've been slooooowly transitioning him from co-sleeping to his crib (which is turning out to be just as hard for me as it is for him) and we have a long ways to go, but I know he'll make the switch when he's ready.  From day one his motto has been "co-sleep or no sleep" and I don't think he's ready to let go of that quite yet.  He's also transitioning from two naps to one.  After a few weeks of fighting naps, I finally gave in and tried dropping the morning nap.  And success!  He still takes a short nap in the morning if he's extra tired, but most days he just goes down right after lunch.  Someday we'll get this sleep thing figured out.

Things Nixon has been loving/learning/doing this month:
  • Being chased, although he loves the being caught part the most, so most of the time he turns around or stops and waits until you catch him.  All while laughing hysterically.
  • He totally gets the concept of peek-a-boo and "where's Nixon?" and will hide behind things and then peek out with an adorable smile. 
  • Now that he's walking, he loves playing outside.  He mostly just walks around and pokes the bushes and picks up leaves, but we have been working on throwing a ball and he is actually getting pretty good at it.  
  • Close on the heels of the sippy cup victory of last month, comes victory over the straw cup.  So many drinking options!!
While I was putting the groceries away, he reached into the fridge and helped himself to an apple

Monday, March 2, 2015

Nixon: Thirteen Months

Yes, I realize I'm a bit late posting Nixon's thirteen-month update.  I'll blame it on the fact that I spend all my time chasing after the thirteen-month-old in question and rarely have time to sit down anymore.  This child is BUSY.  He is walking everywhere and getting into everything and exploring anything that he possibly can.  This is such a fun stage he's in right now and I love seeing what new shenanigans he gets into every day.

Things Nixon has been loving/learning/doing this month:
  • He has completely embraced walking, and now that he's able to stand up without pulling up on something, he rarely ever crawls.  I fully expect him to start sprinting any day. 
  • After months of trying, he has finally mastered the sippy cup.  He only had a bottle a handful of times, which I'm guessing is why it was so tricky for him. 
  • He's discovered how to throw things in the trash.  I have to watch him carefully lest his toys, sippy, or random kitchen utensil end up tossed.
  • The dishwasher continues to fascinate him and he loves helping me empty it.  And yes, I have to be quick or plates will end up on the floor (so far nothing has broken, so I guess our system is working)