Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nixon: Four Months

It's hard to believe another month has gone by already, but somehow Nixon is four months old.  Seriously little one, you're growing up way too fast!  It's been so fun to start seeing his personality really start developing over the last few weeks.  He loves to "talk," and sometimes makes himself laugh when he makes a funny sound.  He's grabbing onto toys and is so close to rolling from his tummy to his back.  As far as his sleep schedule, he's still waking up around twice a night to eat, but he never has problems going right back to sleep so I can't complain too much.

We celebrated his four month birthday yesterday by getting another round of shots.  Poor baby screamed through them again, but he doesn't seem nearly as uncomfortable this time.  He's in the 68th percentile for weight at 15.5 lbs and the 64th percentile for length at 25 inches.  His head, however, is in the 83rd percentile for size, which could explain why he doesn't like tummy time very much anymore.  That's a lot of head to hold up.

What Nixon has been loving this month:
  • Bathtime is still a favorite, even more now that the fun of splashing has been discovered.  He'll kick his little legs, look at me to see my reaction, and then smile really big.  It's adorable.
  • Talking - Nixon has definitely discovered his voice.  His sounds range from soft little coos to incredibly high-pitched baby dinosaur shrieks.  I like to joke that he holds contests with himself on how weird of a sound he can make.
  • Riding in the car.  The exceptions to this one include when he's hungry, too hot, or when the car stops.  As long as he's comfortable and the car's moving, he just hangs out in his carseat, looking around and talking to himself.
  • Looking at everything.  He is turning into quite the curious baby, and he's usually happiest being walked around so he can take it all in.  Happy baby, arm workout for mom.  Win win.